Kick-off event of the INdIGO project on February 12 2020
The 10 French and English partners and various external speakers will meet on February 12 in Lorient for the kick-off event of the INdIGO project.

Led by UBS and involving the ComposiTIC technical platform and the Lab-STICC, the INdIGO project obtained, at the end of 2019, funding from the Interreg France (Channel) England programme for a period of 3 and a half years. The aim of the 10 French and British partners is to develop innovative fishing gear biodegradable in the marine environment, to encourage its adoption by professionals and to improve the prevention and management of pollution generated by the fishing gear.
The themes discussed during the day are as follows:
- Environmental and societal issues
- The context of plastic pollution and the economic impacts of marine litter
- Alternative solutions: solutions thought out on board, recycling of fishing gear, biodegradable plastics, making individuals actors of the transitions.
- The industrial challenges of new materials
Kick-off event of the INdIGO project