
Filt is a French company based in Normandy, producing nets made of natural (cotton, linen, bamboo) and plastic (polypropylene, polyester) materials. Since the 1960s, Filt has been manufacturing and marketing two main types of nets for aquaculture: flat nets and tubular nets with different mesh sizes. For the last few years, to meet a growing demand from its customers, Filt wants to diversify by developing new products more environmentally friendly to fight against the phenomenon of ghost fishing.

By collaborating with the INdIGO partnership, Filt wants to acquire knowledge about the choice of materials, focusing on biodegradable plastics in the marine environment. Its main role in the project will be to bring the expertise in the design of the new nets (leader of Work Package n°2) and to share its technical experience concerning the characteristics expected for the envisaged applications (leader of Work Package n°1). In collaboration with the IFREMER, Filt will also be in charge of producing some prototypes that will be tested in real conditions by end-users.

2 rue Ada Lovelace
14120 Mondeville – France