The INdIGO project is holding its closing event on 22 March 2023 in Lorient.
Funded since the end of 2019 by the Interreg France (Channel) England programme, INdIGO has led to various actions aimed at reducing marine plastic pollution from the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. The aim of this closing event is to present and disseminate the results of the project to fisheries and aquaculture professionals and any other organisation interested in the subject.
The programme includes presentations by the INdIGO project partners. Experts from outside the project are also invited to explain their work in order to enrich the presentations and exchanges.
08.45 Welcome
09.00 Introduction
- Yves Grohens – Director of ComposiTIC, Vice President Innovation of the Université Bretagne Sud
- Lysiane Métayer – Member of Parliament for Morbihan Lorient-Groix (Member of the National Defence and Armed Forces Committee)
- Catherine Chabaud, MEP and sailor ( by video conference)
09.20 Presentation of the INdIGO project
- Claire Allanos (UBS)
09.30 Plastic pollution in the oceans
- Presentation of the Clean Atlantic project, Morgan Le Moigne (Ifremer)
- Fish&Click citizen science programme, Marie Morfin (Ifremer)
10.00 The fishermen’s perspective
- Plastic on board, Erwan Le Guilloux
- The fabrication of willow lobster pots, Sarah Ready
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Socio-economic impact analysis
- EOLFG & ALDFG : the fishermen’s perspective, Elena Mengo (Cefas)
- The Economic Impacts of introducing biodegradable fishing gear, Ben Drakeford (University of Portsmouth)
11.30 Recycling used fishing gear
- Support management of used fishing gear, Mathilde Gueguen (Coopération Maritime)
- Identification of good practices and collection schemes in Brittany & Normandy, Laurence Hégron-Macé (SMEL)
- Developing Fishing Gear Recycling Schemes in the UK, Amanda Burton & Owais Raja (University of Plymouth)
11:30 Recycling of fishing gear
- Implementation of extended producer Responsibility – Mathilde Guéguen, Maritime Cooperative
- Development of fishing gear recycling schemes in the UK and France in the Channel area – Laurence Hégron Macé, Head of Maritime Fisheries at SMEL and Amanda Burton, Research Associate in Engineering Design at Plymouth University
12.30 Lunch break
14.00 Alternatives in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors
- Presentation of the REIPLIC: reducing the impact of plastic in shellfish farming, Yolène Ledoux (SMIDAP)
- Presentation of a manufacturer and designer of fishing gear, Erwan Tanguy (Le Drezen)
- Alternative materials to limit plastic pollution: the case of ropes, Peter Davies, Louis Le Gué (Ifremer)
14.45 Developing prototypes of biodegradable fishing nets
- Developing formulations from biodegradable plastics and realisation of prototypes on a laboratory scale, Pauline Moreau (NaturePlast), Morgan Deroiné (IRMA)
- Industrial scale-up: Manufacturing of mussel net prototypes on FILT production lines, Jean-Phillipe Cousin (FILT)
15.15 Deployment at sea
- How to promote the transition from a traditional practice to sustainable practices: from acceptability to appropriation of a biodegradable fishing gear, Tabatha Thiebaut-Rizzoni (UBS)
- Comparison of the fishing efficiency of a traditional net & a biodegradable net, Esther Savina (Technical University of Denmark)
15.45 Coffee break – Signing of the book “The art of ghosnets”, Géraldine Le Roux (UBO)
16.15 Study of the environmental impacts
- The impact of micro-plastics on the embryo-larval model of the hollow oyster, Arno Bringer (Qualyse)
- Study of accelerated ageing and monitoring of microplastic formation, Adil Bakir (Cefas)
- Study of the impact of the end of life in the marine environment: biodegradation and ecotoxicity, Dalyal Copin (IRMA)
17.00 Closing remarks
- Frédéric Fourreau, Director General of IRMA
- Armand Quentel, Operational Referent for the Environment at CRPMEM
Time: 8.45am – 6pm
Location: Cité de la voile, La Base, Lorient (France)
Access: Access | Cité de la Voile Éric Tabarly (citevoile-tabarly.com)
Event in French and English.
Free registration.
+33(0)2 97 55 08 70
Registration before 14 March 2023.