Sea and Costal Synergy (SMEL)

SMEL, (Sea and Coastal Synergy), is a technical centre located in Normandy where fishing and aquaculture represent important economic activities, being the 1st shellfish farming region and the 2nd  sea-fishing region in France. It has logistical (vessels, quads, drone, diving), analytical (chemistry, bacteriology, biology laboratories) and technical facilities whose modularity offers a wide range of uses for experiments. Its network with the professional environment is significant (Fishing or Shellfish aquaculture Regional Committees) and enables them to know precisely the needs. The role of SMEL is to provide technical support to maritime professionals and assistance in the development of production (prospective, research and development).   

SMEL’s role in the INdIGO project is, among other things, to manage work package 1, whose objective is to take stock of the current situation regarding the pollution generated by the use of plastics in the fishing and aquaculture industry.

Zone conchylicole
Parcelle n°45
50560 Blainville-sur-mer – France